Consolidates energy. Provides nurture and grounding. Nurtures the heart and assists communication. Helps to bring peace and calm at times of stress. Vibrations that nurture the heart as well as promote communication and ground the body’s energy. Helps with jetlag.
This soothing, calming and grounding drape I made to help those who have experienced trauma and emotional pain in their lives.
The heart is nurtured with the vibration of a sweet pink that fills the heart with a rose hue and the love it brings.
Further healing of the heart occurs with the inclusion of a complementary green vibration which interacts with the pink bringing feelings of security.
Your communication is also nurtured by the inclusion of an angelic blue which calms and connects to air, water and ethereal healing.
The final vibration in this emotional healer nurturer is a golden brown vibration which assists you with grounding as well as reminding the energy field of abundance and earth healing.
This drape is particularly helpful for those who have had or are having challenging ,difficult or emotionally draining life experiences.
As a tool for the energy practitioner it is invaluable as it facilitates an opening of the clients energetics to further healing yet nurtures and grounds simultaneously.
Clients have reported a diminishing in physical pain previously experienced and it is renowned for halting floods of tears which otherwise can lead to exhaustion and energy loss.